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Basics of Constitution of the body

Basics of Ayurveda

Every individual is born with his individual Prakriti/ Basic Constitution. These factors are determined in terms of Vata, Pitta and Kapha depending upon the characteristics of Individuals.

This prakruti is the normalcy for an individual which decides the individual health. Balancing this prakriti, this basic constitution, is crucial for one’s health. Therefore, if you are healthy, you should know what constitution you have, for example, which dosha stands out and familiarize yourself with the basic rules. The right diet, lifestyle and daily routine.

When someone is ill (vikriti), one first deals with the illness.In that case, it is not quite so important what basic constitution one has. What is important is the dosha to which the disease is assigned. Ayurveda is to be seen in each case very individually. 

There are three types of Dosha Vata Pitta Kapha, which with their predominant characters constitutes Prakriti. Together these three doshas determine the physiological balance and constitution of the individual which is called as Prakriti in Ayurveda. Every person has all three doshas (physical humors – vata, pitta, kapha) and trigunas (psychological qualities – Satwa, Rajas, Tamas) in different proportions. However, depending upon the predominance of the five basic elements, three doshas and mental qualities in sperm (Shukra) and ovum (Shonita) at the time of conception, the individual prakriti is decided. Prakriti is also described to be influenced by maternal factors including the intra-uterine environment, food and regimen adapted by the mother during pregnancy (Matur Ahara Vihara). This basic constitution which is fixed at the time of fertilization generally remains constant through out the life of that individual. Ayurveda has also explained the food and lifestyle as per individual constitution including the factors which aggravate and pacify doshas (Vimana Sthana 1/21-25, Charaka Samhita).

To summarize, Prakriti, thus refers to the genetically determined physical and mental constitution of an individual. Every person has his/her own unique constitution which determines the biological functions, response to environmental factors, drugs and also susceptibility to diseases making it one of the earliest known concepts of preventive and personalized medicine. The knowledge of prakriti and the ability to subgroup individuals based on their predominant prakriti, in the Ayurveda system of health care, is one of its important and unique specialties and essential tools. This not only helps to understand the mental and physical nature of a person in health but also to know the susceptibility to diseases which assists in promotion of health, prevention and cure of diseases. It may also be mentioned that the Ayurveda system primarily aims at treating the cause of the disease (and not just the symptoms) by identifying the imbalance of the Tridoshas (Vimana Sthana 8, Charaka Samhita). 

Practise of Ayurveda in Germany:
Ayurveda is studied in Indian Universities as an Integrated Medical Science. The 5.5 years Undergraduate program in Indian Universities include Anatomy, Physiology, Pharmacology, Forensic and Toxicology, General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynecology, ENT and psychiatry apart from the classical Ayurveda studies of Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia, Treatises in Sanskrit and Panchakarma Modalities.This is followed by 3 years specialization in various fields during Postgraduate studies.. Unfortunately,it is not recognised as the medical studies in Germany but has gained its position as a preventive and holistic science towards physical mental wellbeing. Therefore, Dr Anoosha N Shastry works here as an Ayurveda specialist and consultant using her expertise to help people in the preventive and wellness in terms of lifestyle and Nutrition. Thus, the consultations and following Ayurvedic routines are not an alternative to the recognised Modern medicine in Germany, but a complementary system. The Consultation charges are thereby not covered under the Insurance and are privately paid.

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Ayurveda Time

  • Consultation on Appointment basis
  • Monday: 10:30 – 16:00
  • Tuesday: 9:30 – 18:00
  • Wednesday: 9:30 – 18:00
  • Thursday: 13:00 – 16:00
  • Friday: 11:15 – 16:00

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Terms and conditions 
Ayurveda practise in Germany is subject to preventive and lifestyle management as a complimentary system and not a substitute for conventional Medicine. This includes nutritional supplements, lifestyle guidance and preventive measures and those supporting conventional medicine and not an alternative.

Ayurveda services are privately paid and are not covered under Insurance.