About Me
Dr Anoosha N Shastry

Dr Anoosha N Shastry comes from the South Indian city Bangalore. She is a medical doctor in alternative medicine and has studied Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery – a medical degree of 5.5 years from the prestigious university – Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences,Bangalore, India.
She has been a professional Indian classical dance Bharathanatyam dancer with training for over 20 years under Guru Vidushi Dr Mala Shashikanth Bangalore, India, and holds Vidwat proficiency and a Master’s degree in Dance.
Being introduced to yoga at the age of 7 along with dance, Anoosha has been practicing Ashtanga Yoga eversince. Later she completed International Certification in Yoga Teaching at the professional level from SVYASA Yoga University, Bangalore. Subsequently, she also completed her QCI (Quality Control Board of India) certificate and later therapeutic yoga internship.
With many years of experience in government hospitals in various departments, she has exposure to research-based clinical practices. As an internee at research Institutes in India, her further research interest continued to use Ayurveda, Yoga and Dance in the treatment of Somatoform Disorders and other pain management protocols.
Currently, she is living in Munich since 2019 and has been a consultant for Ayurveda and Yoga in Munich. She also teaches Ayurveda, Yoga and Dance under her institute “Sanatana Akademie” and at the Volkshochschule, (Regional Educational Centres) Munich. She is the founding member and Board Member of the Indian Society for Ayurveda Professionals in Germany “Indische Fachgesellschaft für Ayurveda Deutschland (IFAD) e.V.” and founding member of the Association for Indian classical Dance (Klassiche Indische Tanzk Deutschland- KITD e.V).
Pursuing her research interest, She is being guided by Dr Rajyashree Ramesh, Berlin and has been certified from GMA,Berlin, in the advanced movement studies “FasciaNatya” – a research program with a therapeutic perspective using Neuromuscular connectivity patterns in terms of Natya, based on Movement Principles.

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